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Solid Rocket Boosters

SOLID ROCKET BOOSTERS First things first, Textbook definitions A Solid Rocket Booster(SRB) is a large solid-propellant motor used to provide thrust in spacecraft launches from the initial launch through the first ascent.  In simple terms, these are big, thick, bulky extra thrusters that contribute to the rocket's ascent upwards into space. The SRBs have always been the hot topic for table discussion in the category of controversial topics. It is because they have quite a few advantages and an equivalent amount of disadvantages.  Advantages:   In comparison to liquid propellant rockets, the strong-propellant SRBs had been capable of imparting huge amounts of thrust with an enormously simple design. They offer extra thrust without widespread refrigeration and insulation necessities and produce massive amounts of thrust in comparison to the size. Adding detachable SRBs to the vehicle powered by means of liquid propellant rockets unnecessarily increases the launch mass and complexity. 

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