LIFT OFF: Rocket Launch Challenge

LIFT OFF: Rocket Launch Challenge

Wonderful response to the first two articles in the Lift-Off Series. Here's the last one. This one is going to be relatively deep and so as well a shorter one. Though, it is surely jam-packed with delicious content. Let's straight dive into it. 

Flying a rocket requires checking a lot of parameters. 
To deliver a payload, 400km above the earth's surface, you have to create a thrust force that cancels out the weight of the rocket, air friction and drags force. As it is evident that at launch when the weight is maximum, a huge amount of thrust is needed to just get it moving. It is known to mankind that launching a rocket is one of the biggest challenges. 

So, what do I mean by "Rocket Launch Challenge"? See, it is not a difficult process. If you got 100 people handling 100 different sections, the probability of success is pretty high. BUT! If you were to handle all the operations alone, things start getting difficult. And hence, now I will list some of the few challenges that need to be overcome to make a rocket launch successful. 
Let's assume a hypothetical situation: 
You have a payload weighing 20,000 kg and you need to deliver it to the International Space Station
  • First things first. You need to check the weather. Let's assume you got sweet, pleasant weather. You are good to go for launch. (Read More)
  • The second thing. You need to get your rocket to the launch facility. Roll out the rocket to the launch tower, or transport it, ship it, whichever way suits you. 
  • Third, you need to make sure your rocket fuselage is in good condition and is going for launch. 
  • Next, you need to catch up with each rocket engine because you may have multiple engines onboard. You need to make sure "each and every one" of them is healthy. 
  • Don't forget the fuel. It's the most necessary section if you want the rocket to fly.  
  • If the rocket makes use of cryogenic fuel, the cryogenic temperature has to be maintained. 
  • The pressure inside the fuel tanks is managed with the help of external helium tanks. While they are used to pressure your main tanks, they also need to be pressurized. 
  • Rocket is a roaring machine and payload is a tiny brittle object. It needs to be saved from the vibrations that occur during the launch. Need to make some checks there. 
  • The big, thick pipes that carry fuel to the engines have to be checked. A small leak can cause the whole tower to boom! 
  • After climbing a few kilometres, the rockets have to tilt and the hydraulics i.e. the gimble /rotation mechanism is responsible for it. If it fails, the rocket goes up straight and arrive down straight. Therefore, they need to be checked. 
  • The Rocket Avionics that monitors the functioning of the rockets needs to be harshly tested a couple of times pre-launch. 
  • Many rockets have flaps/grid fins/similar mechanisms that control their journey through the thick layers of the atmosphere. 
  • Emergency Abort Burn
    The Emergency Abort System needs to be abrupt. If an anomaly occurs, the astronauts must not die. They need to be ejected off the rocket on time. 
  • Life support systems, air and other resources must be in ample quantity if you are carrying astronauts. 
  • Finally, when you are ready for launch, make sure that you shut all the Hatches and Windows. Make sure you properly seal them.

There are tones of different parameters to list but we are good to go with these many or I'm pretty sure your brain will explode. This series was always supposed to be this technical! I tried breaking stuff into simpler pieces. Utilize the comments section to ask doubts. With that, I  am taking a leave! Hey, it's Hardik, signing off. 

Check out the first one in the Lift-Off series: Complexities of a Rocket Launch

Liftoff- Part I

Part III of the Lift-off series arrives on the 17th of this month i.e. next Thursday, until then happy reading :) 

Humourous one, you would love it!! : Space Suits

The most loved blog: Rocket Engine: Part 1

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